Customer data
We commit to never selling or sharing your data to any third party. That will never be our business model.
At Omnifia, your security is paramount.
We are committed to protecting it.
Our data and infrastructure utilises best-in-class security, privacy and redundancy features from AWS and Google Cloud Platform.
We commit to never selling or sharing your data to any third party. That will never be our business model.
Our application uses a combination of firewalls, penetration tests and vulnerability scans to ensure maximum security.
Absolutely. Your data is encrypted, both in-transit (TLS 1.2) and at-rest. Databases and storage is encrypted-at-rest via industry-standard AES-256.
Always. You can push a button within the platform to delete your data at anytime you like. Once submitted, your data will be automatically removed from our systems within a couple of hours.
Never. We will never sell your data to any third party. This is fundamental to our beliefs and will never be part of our business model. We create value from your data for you, and nobody else.
If we haven't answered your question here, please reach out and email the security team at